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Michael P. Sy

Since my PRC license just recently expired, I visited the Professional Regulation Commission website to check the latest process of PRC ID renewal. Upon looking into the requirements, I saw that the matrices and procedures are written in separate PDFs that required so many neurons for processing, not to mention so much clicking.

With that, I have decided to just come up with this 4-piece infographic that will aide all of us (health and social care professionals) who are trying to account for how much CPDs we have obtained in the past three years. Hope it eases the counting and that you're close to the maximum credit unit limit before renewing your licenses. Enjoy! :)

Primary Source:

Michael P. Sy

As requested and promised, the "Kids and Gadgets" infographic has now been translated into the Filipino language (based in Tagalog) for our clients, parents teachers, and therapists who are more comfortable in using the national language. Thank you very much to Ms. Arthea Arese Quesada for taking time and effort to make the Filipino translation, I am sure that as educators we know that more will benefit from this.

To my colleagues, make this a practical tool for your practice or everyday use, you may print them out in poster size (A3) for bulletin posting or A5 (half of a bond paper/A4) for the notebooks of your clients.

For a clearer copy for printing (PDF), please click here.

Thank you for sharing and for your requests. Yes to a more aware, informed, and educated Filipino public! God bless! :)

Michael P. Sy



After two weeks, I am so happy to release my Vlog #2 (five minutes) that aims to talk about “The Five Responses the Public Give When They Learn You Are an Occupational Therapist”. I have identified five common responses I have received in the past 12 years (as an OT student and professional combined) from people when they knew about my job as an occupational therapist:

1) So, ano ba ang difference ng OT sa PT? (English: So what is the difference between OT and PT?)

2) Mahilig ka ba mag-"overtime”? (English: Do you like doing “overtime" at work?)

3) Magaling ka siguro magmasahe? (English: You must be good in doing massage?)

4) Uy, yung kapitbahay namin may SpEd na anak, pwede mo ba turuan? (English: Hey, my neighbor has a “special child”, can you teach him/er?)

5) Ay, diba in-demand yan, mabilis yumaman yung mga OT lalo na sa abroad? (English: Isn’t OT in-demand? They easily get rich especially abroad.)


URL of Vlog #2:

=== If I missed anything in this Vlog entry, please feel free to comment your insights below. I am hoping that somehow this Vlog gave the public a better understanding about occupational therapists. Yes to a better informed, educated, and aware Filipino public! :)

If you think that this video is interesting, educative, and informative, please LIKE, SHARE, and COMMENT. Thank you!


Follow me: Website: IG and Twitter: @mikesyot Facebook: Youtube:

Acknowledgements: Thank you so much to the ~2.2K FB viewers, ~100 YT viewers, and 10 YT subscribers (at least meron, he-he) from my first Vlog. Maraming salamat din sa friends, colleagues, and social media friends who are encouraging me to do more teaching using social media. To God be the glory!

Disclaimer: JPG and PNG files were owned by me or retrieved from Google Search. I do not own the TESDA, PRC, UP-PGH, Youtube PNGs, and Patient Care Photos. The content of this Vlog does not reflect any of my present affiliations and was solely created by yours truly based on personal and professional experiences.

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