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I am so enthused to announce that my paper entitled "Filipino therapists’ experiences and attitudes of interprofessional education and collaboration: A cross-sectional survey" has finally been assigned an issue in the Journal of Interprofessional Care (JIC) by Taylor & Francis Group!

My hope is for this paper to be utilized and cited by healthcare professionals -- especially occupational therapists, physical therapists, and speech-language pathologists -- to impact their practice, how they teach colleagues and students, and how they will further research on topics about interprofessional education (IPE) and interprofessional collaboration (IPC).

Since the final article did not include the acknowledgment portion (possibly due to word count limitation), I would like to honor all the people who have been part of my first-ever official and international publication (super excited lang ako, first timer eh, ang surreal lang ng feeling, hehe):

1. My sincerest gratitude to those who introduced and taught me about IPE and IPC: Dr Hideomi Watanabe, Dr Yoshiharu Tokita, Dr Bumsuk Lee, the rest of Gunma University's IPE Training and Research Center, and Dr Nobuo Ohshima for encouraging me to submit to JIC.

2. Many thanks as well to my co-champions who were with me during my formal training on IPE at Gunma University (Japan): Ms Grace De La Peña-Kang, Ms Lhuri Dwianti Rahmartani, and Mr Samuel Josafat.

3. To my NTTC-HP family who gave me the push to make a thesis on IPE and IPC from the start to the end: Maam Maria Elizabeth Martinez Grageda (my research adviser), Dr Erlyn Sana, Dr Normar Alviar, Maam Claire Pastor, and to faculty and staff of UP-NTTC.

4. To the people of UP-CAMP who helped me retrieve some archives from our library Ms Alma Labro and Ms Doms, and of course Prof Teresita Camiling Mendoza for sitting down for my final defense and for inspiring me to always think about collaborative practice not only with other professionals but also with community workers. Thank you for your advice and guidance in helping me become the OT I am today Mam Tez!

5. To Roi Charles Pineda, Prof Leticia Uyaco, and Alma Palapal Sy(mother dearest) thank you for helping me prepare and stay calm during my final defense for this paper, your presence that time really encouraged me to finish the race.

6. To the AUF faculty who showed support and openness to the novelty of IPE and IPC to be applied in AUF, thank you very much: Ree Sumulong RPh, Maam Annalyn T. Navarro, Ed Jurado, Maam Dean, VPAA Archie David, and to all the faculty members and students who joined our IPE training series in 2016.

7. To my IPEC friends from the Philippines -- Cath Escuadra, Nicole Roraldo, Michael Pereyra Gabilo, Mae Sadicon, Weng Arao Ynion, John Paul Mallari, DrJoax AO Benedicto, Anna Causapin, Karla Faustino Ranches, Jojo Reginaldo, Arden Panotes, Diane Allison Insular Lotho, Pauline Gail Martinez, Nins Igna, etc. -- this is the start of more local IPEC researches, which will hopefully springboard us to the first Philippine IPEC conference this 2018. Let us pray for it! :)

8. Lastly, I would like to give all glory, honor, and praise to the Lord God Almighty for your faithfulness to me despite my misgivings and imperfections. I am humbled to be blessed by You, and I pray that this harvest will nourish and inspire excellence in the rehabilitation science professions and healthcare system in the Philippines. Amen.

"And from his fullness, we have all received, grace upon grace." (John 1:16)


To my colleagues, co-researchers, and students, please feel free to access the e-prints from this URL:

For Citation: Sy, M. P. (2017). Filipino therapists’ experiences and attitudes of interprofessional education and collaboration: A cross-sectional survey, Journal of Interprofessional Care, 31:6, 761-770, DOI: 10.1080/13561820.2017.1359509


Today, I was invited at the Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Surakarta Jurusan Okupasi Terapi (Department of Occupational Therapy, Solo Polytechnic University) located in Surakarta, Indonesia to provide a special lecture for Year 2 OT students in celebration of the World Occupational Therapy Day! It is such an honor to be able to speak in the 1st OT school in Indonesia in order to impart, influence, and inspire the future generation of OT in this beautiful country.

Terimah kasih Mr Buwana, Mr Wawan, Ms Lis, Mr Khomarun, Ms Era, Dr Budi Santoso, and the rest of the OT faculty as well as your precious OT students! See you all again very soon! 🤗🤗🤗


This special lecture is now translated into an e-lecture for public viewing and use for sharing in celebration of the World Occupational Therapy Day this October 27, 2017. The contents of this [e-]lecture is based on my the article I wrote for the National Healthcare Group Singapore entitled "Use OT Dialogue to inform, inspire and influence thinking about occupational therapy", published online last October 6, 2017.

For citation, please use the following referencing format in APA: Sy, M. P. (2017). The tripartite facet of an excellent occupational therapist. [Lecture]. Retrieved from


Thank you very much, National Healthcare Group (NHG) Singapore for inviting me to be a special guest writer in your HOMER homepage for health professions education. Many thanks to Dr Mary Lee Ching Ling for trusting my works and believing in my ideas as a health professions educator and occupational therapist.

My online article entitled "Use OT Dialogue to inform, inspire and influence thinking about occupational therapy" has been published today [10/6/2017] and is inspired by the World Occupational Therapy Day celebration on October 27, 2017. :)



"Occupational therapists are called not only to provide client care but also to educate people on the core of what we do as activity experts, life teachers, and meaning givers."


To all my OT friends and peers who are not in the OT profession who want to know more about occupational therapy, you may access the full article in the HOMER website in the following links:

Your feedback and response on this article will be greatly appreciated. Happy World Occupational Therapy Day! :)



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